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UR lives are filled with dreams. They're part of our human nature, and asleep or awake, whether we like it or not, we dream. While asleep, we think in as |
rich terms as when our eyes are wide open, but experience tells us we don’t recall all of that thought. Or do we? We may ask the same of our so-called conscious ideas, but we already know part of the answer. We retain very little of what we experience every day, year after year, in conscious memory. Somehow though, everything seems to affect the outcomes of our lives in some ways we often don’t understand, for which we can’t quite always just put our fingers on the causes. Rote and repetition convince us that what we forget was probably not important or necessary anyway. This, we say, is Life’s way of dealing with us as we grow older, forgetting much of what we learned and most of whom we’ve met along the way. Any dreamer, faced with this as the most plausible, must begin to wonder if there is anything more to Life than merely to dream—only to forget what they have meant to us, or if they ever were meaningful at all. |
I have been a dreamer all of my life. My experience tells me that I am not alone, if the many conversations I’ve had with countless others reflect a fraction of what I find true. Dreams are the stuff of which all of our thoughts are made. That may seem to be a very blunt assessment, but I’m convinced it’s true, enough to ask a few questions of anyone who may doubt it. Of course, to make such a claim I am ready to be challenged by critics and disbelievers alike. I can only leave it up to those who would honestly answer some simple queries asked of them to decide. Before I do ask them however, I would like to build the suspense even a little more, and again, only drawing from my own experience. I would beg the forgiveness of any who disclaim my authority, but I suspect it will prove to be ample experience I have from which to draw upon. |
The challenge is not to prove the existence of dreams. Although science cannot absolutely, testimony indicates beyond a reasonable doubt that people across the boards do dream. Research has even shown that when people are deprived of the ability or opportunity to dream, strange, even dangerous changes in their perceptions begin to affect their minds, their well-being, their lives, and the lives of others who may happen to be involved with them. So from a purely medical or health perspective, doctors and researchers have shown us that what we’ve come to classically call dreaming is essential to sound mental wellness. What science cannot explain about our dreams though, is how or why we do. For that matter, no one really understands the process of sleep, and why we, or any animals do sleep is still a mystery to us all. |
The abundance of dreams is another matter. When we dream, perhaps as great a challenge to ask of scholars and laymen alike isn’t only a question of specifics or duration, but also paramount to the claim I make herein. |